2025 Rates

Green Fees Weekday Weekend & Holiday
Resident* $18.00 $20.00
Senior Resident* (62+) $15.00 $17.00
Non-Resident $23.00 $25.00
Senior Non-Resident (62+) $19.00 $21.00
Junior (17 & Under) $15.00 $17.00

* To qualify for Resident rates, golfers must reside within Niles Park District boundaries and obtain a Resident ID Card.  Cards are available free of charge at the Howard Leisure Center during normal business hours. 

Rental Fees (Prices below include tax)
Riding Cart* $12.25 / rider
Pull Cart  $4.00
Club Rental  $12.00

      *Must have a valid drivers license to drive a riding cart.  Renters are financially responsible for any damage caused to cart while under their operation.

Family Nights at Tam O'Shanter

A round of golf is best enjoyed with great company.  Visit the course together as a family on Sunday afternoons where up to 2 junior players can play for FREE* with a paying adult after 4:00pm.  This special is available all season long!

*Cart fees not included.

Gift Cards Available!

Gift cards can be purchased in any denomination and may be used towards green fees, pro-shop merchandise, and even instruction.  Cards are sold at the front desk of the Howard Leisure Center 6676 Howard St. (next door to our clubhouse).



Tam O'Shanter Golf Course | 6700 Howard St. |
Niles, IL 60714 | (847) 965-2344